Account in AceMoney is the same thing as your real bank account. It has a number and it belongs to some bank where it actually exists. You may assign an account to a group of accounts. When you add a new account, it will be created in active state. After successful creation of the account, it will appear in the Accounts Page and Accounts menu.
Later, you may want to move the account to the closed state or even delete it. Please, be careful deleting the accounts: if you delete account, you loose all transactions entered to this account and even transfers to the other accounts. We recommend moving the accounts you don't need to the closed state.
This page is the main part of the program where you probably will spend the most of your time. The list shows a list of all transactions belonging to the account. If there are any scheduled transactions for this account, they are shown too at the bottom of list (gray color).
Use side buttons for adding/editing/deleting transactions and generating the account reports.
You can hide reconciled transactions by clicking on Hide Reconciled check box at the bottom of the screen. Also if you want to know your uncleared, cleared and reconciled balances, just roll the mouse pointer over the total box at the right bottom side of the screen.
Right click shows a menu for the transaction management. This menu also has items for transaction state changes. A transaction has four states: Uncleared, Imported, Cleared and Reconciled.
Uncleared means nothing, for instance, you just entered this transation and have no official confirmation of it.
Imported state is assigned to transaction by AceMoney when it imports a transaction from a file. You can't assign this state to transaction, it is assigned automatically. Any imported transaction will be marked as Imported if it was not marked as Cleared or Reconciled previously.
Cleared state can be assigned if you know that the transaction really has happened. For example, if your bank shows it at the web site you can assign cleared state to the transaction.
Reconciled is the last state in transaction lifestyle. Usually you move several transactions from cleared to reconciled state at the end of the month based on the bank statement. We also developed Balance account dialog to make this last step convenient.
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